Purvottar Janajati Shiksha Samiti (PJSS) is a registered society formed in 1997 with an aim to uplift the living standard of tribal (janajati) people by providing them with education and other needful services. PJSS in collaboration with other national as well as local organization has undertaken various developmental projects for the betterment of the society. The project mostly includes general academic education, infrastructure development, health related issues and also teacher’s training camp. PJSS has also provided various hostel facilities to janajati areas where more than 3000 students are benefitted and they were able to continue with their education. Besides PJSS has also organized health camps mostly in janajati areas where they were able to spread both awareness and also improve the living standard of the people.
Office Address :
VishnuPath, Radha Govind Baruah Road,
Guwahati – 781024 (Assam)
Email : pjss.bbharati@gmail.com
Contact No. : 8133040135
Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/vbpjss