Kshetriya Programmes Organised During 2019-20
1.Vidya Bharati Purvottar Kshetra organised a Yojana Baithak and Pravasi Karyakarta Vikas Varg from 31st Jan’ to 4th Feb’ 2020. at Hajongbari Project. Man. Sri J.M. Kashipatiji, All India Org. Secy. and Man. Gobinda Ch. Mahantaji All India Asstt. Org. secy. were present as margadashak. In the varg the role and responsibility the karyakartas in spreading education in present situation was discussed broadly total 102 karyakartas attended the programme. Next day Kshetriya Yojana Baithak was also held in which the activities to be done during next three years were discussed and finalised.
2. The Kshetra Samiti organised one meeting of SMF-SESQ at Guwahati on 15 Oct’ 2020 Man. Gobinda Ch. Mahantaji All India Asstt. Org. Secy. attended the meeting.
3. A two days workshop of Prachar Vibhag was held at Guwahati on 29th to 30th Aug’ 2019, All India convenor Man. Sri Sudhakar Reddy was present as a margadarshak in this workshop. Sri Teerthankar Das Kalita, Assam Kshetra Boudhik Pramukh of RSS, Sri Chandan Goswami, HOD. of Journalism, Guahati University and Sri P.K. Goswami, Deputy Director, Doordarshan Kendra Guwahati were present as resource persons. Total 38 karyakartas related to Prachar Vibhag were present in that workshop.
4. A special Annual General Meeting was held at Guwahati on 8th Dec’ 2019. Man. Sri Ravindra Chamariya, Executive Member of Vidya Bharati Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Sansthan was present in the meeting as margdarshak. This meeting was held specially to ammend some important clauses of the constitution of Vidya Bharati Purvottar Kshetra.
5. A Kshetriya meeting in respect to preparation of coffee table book was held at Guwahati on 18th Aug’ 2019. In that meeting Sri Tapan Kumar, Sonyojak, Coffee Table Book explain the importance of Coffee Table Book and procedure for collecting data for the same 20 kshetriya karyakartas attended the meeting.