“Vidya Bharati”

Largest K-12

Chain of India

Vidya Bharati Schools (VBS) is India’s largest K-12 chain and focusses on educating on patriotism and Indian values and culture, along with the standard curriculum. Hence, students have specially written texts about India’s culture and customs and all students compulsorily learn moral education, physical education (martial arts), music, Sanskrit and Vedic maths.

About Us

With the object of both co-ordination and academic. Administration the Bharat is divided into Eleven Kshetras( Zones). The Vidya Bharati Purvottar Kshetra is one Kshetra under which Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Nagaland are included. The aim and objective of the Kshetra is to give Bharatiya Culture and Traditions through the education and promote the idea of self- reliance and brotherhood living among the children of Purvottar kshetra (North- Eastern Region) of India. It is pertinent to note here that the Purvottar Kshetra is affiliated with Vidya Bharati and its main function is to implement various academic and non-academic projects by which it creates the healthy academic environment with full co-operation of the society and to maintain the co-ordination amongst the various Tribes of N.E. Region through the education.

Years Of Experience
Bharat Centric Education

What Service We Offer


Ideological Journal


Devputra is a most popular children’s magazine in India.

Rashtriya Shiksha

‘Rashtriya Shiksha’ is a website created with the view of social enlightenment, on which various articles on Bhartiya education of enlightened people are uploaded.


Formal School

The formal schools are categorized as Primary, Middle, Secondary and Senior Secondary. 

In-Formal School

Vidya Bharati initiated teaching programs, especially targetted toward imparting basic education in slums, tribal regions and other acutely neglected areas.

Higher Education

In this way along with the school education Vidya Bharti is also working in the field of higher education.

Our Officials

Pro. G.P. Prasain
    Pro. G.P. Prasain


    Vidya Bharati Purvottar Kshetra

    Dr. Jagadindra  Ray Choudhury
      Dr. Jagadindra Ray Choudhury


      Vidya Bharati Purvottar Kshetra

      Dr. Pawan Tiwari
        Dr. Pawan Tiwari

        Organizing Secretary

        Vidya Bharati Purvottar Kshetra

        Vidya Bharati Alumni

        World’s Largest Registered Alumni Network

        Our State Level Registered Body

        Latest News & Articles

        Click on News Portal Link : https://vbsamwad.co.in

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